Monday, February 26, 2007

"research act. block"

Practical Arts 2

Name: Felisse Erika L. Macaso Section:II-St. Ogilvie Date: 02/27/06


Research on the definition of arts and crafts.

Arts and crafts comprise a whole host of activities and hobbies that are related to making things with one's own hands and skill. These can be sub-divided into handicrafts or "traditional crafts" (doing things the old way) and the rest. Some crafts have been practised for centuries, while others are modern inventions, or popularisations of crafts which were originally practiced in a very small geographic area.
The term craft also refers to the products of artistic production or creation that require a high degree of tacit knowledge, are highly technical, require specialized equipment and/or facilities to produce, involve manual labour or a blue-collar work ethic, are accessible to the general public and are constructed from materials with histories that exceed the boundaries of western art history, such as ceramics, glass, textiles, metal and wood. These products are produced within a specific community of practice and while they differ from the products produced within the communities of art and design, the boundaries of such often overlap resulting in hybrid objects. Additionally, as the interpretation and validation of art is frequently a matter of context, an audience may perceive crafted objects as art objects when these objects are viewed within an art context, such as in a museum or in a position of prominence in one’s home.

Define handicrafts.

Handicraft, also known as craftwork or simply craft, is a type of work where useful and decorative devices are made completely by hand or using only simple tools. Usually the term is applied to traditional means of making goods. The individual artisanship of the items is a paramount criterion, such items often have cultural and/or religious significance. Items made by mass production or machines are not handicrafts.
Usually, what distinguishes the term handicraft from the frequently used category arts and crafts is a matter of intent: handicrafted items are intended to be used, worn, et cetera, having a purpose beyond simple decoration. Handicrafts are generally considered more traditional work, created as a necessary part of daily life, while arts and crafts implies more of a hobby pursuit and a demonstration/perfection of a creative technique. In practical terms, the categories have a great deal of overlap.

Crafts involving textiles
Canvas work
Curve stitching

Crafts involving wood, metal or clay

We categorize art for the sake of understanding and interpretation: It is easiest to compare and make connections between works that are similar in fundamental ways. Painting, sculpture, and architecture are the arts most commonly discussed in textbooks as “the fine arts,” and they are sometimes grouped together with music and poetry. The wording fine arts, however, suggests that these art forms in some way rank higher than other art forms generally categorized as decorative arts or crafts. There are various justifications for this distinction: The fine arts use the human figure as their subject (although this is a difficult rationale when applied to architecture); they can convey ideas or moral values; they are interpreted or discussed in theoretical writings; and they can be appreciated for their own sake, without regard to their usefulness. The idea of fine arts traces back to the French Academy of Fine Arts of the 17th century, however, and since then artists have on many occasions actively worked to tear down this division.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

"The real me"

hi! im "Felisse Erika L. Macaso"..
I know that lotsa people say that im unpredictable, especially my dear friends.(you know hu u r..haha..) Some say im moody, maarte, etc. bla bla! wOohh. okae. iL b serious.. this post will tell you "the real me"... so u wont say stuffs dat arent true bout me.
for those pips hu r interested; thank you..
nd those hu arent interested; i dont care.. just leave.
Well, People hu dnt know me dat much says that their first impression on me was a perky person, cause they always see me smile or laugh. See how looks can be decieving. But, ill tell you the truth not all those smiles && laughters were true.. I pretend so no one can see that inside im torn and broken, all they can see is a happy teenage girl. I know that its not good to pretend that ur ok even though ur not. but it helps me. indeed. I do this bcoz i dnt want them to feel bad on me. *sigh* im very emotional. Sometimes sensitive.. i love helping my friends in their hitches and oh they also call me "elf".. my dear friend "polo" gave me that nickname.. js lov it. (thank you pillow). I <33 music its d only thng dat relaxes me when im bcoming Emo.. duh. im not a choosy person, certified weird. hihi. i admit that im so lazy and careless. haha..
hmm. i hate pipz hu put others down jst bcoz that person wont fit. Person hu criticize others and liars.. screw you!.. You shouldnt do that js bcoz ur insecure..remember dat no one is perfect in this world.. haiii. im love animals.. God fearing person too. Sometimes i have low self-esteem dunno y.. waaa. im tired na.. ^^
i guess dis is d end. if gs2 nio pa aq mkilala.. dnt hesitate to make frenz wid me. i dont bite naman..hehe.. tnx 4 ur tym.. mwuah.
- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - You think she’s happy. Yet her smile is so worn out She wears a fake one instead She hides her world Of sorrow and self-destruction Behind this mask and act Because each and every dayIs an endless struggle for perfection Filled with pain and agony She’s so lost and torn up She’s forgotten her reason for living And then she realises Life is so messed up and unjust Its not even worth it. She always tries her best To fit in and please But it was never good enough. She feels like a failure Like a worthless pathetic good-for-nothing She loathes herself In every way possible Believing she deserves nothing But pain and misery And she feels so dead inside She longs to see the blood Drip her off her wrist To finally feel alive Each and every memory Is inscribed in her scars She’s now broken Left alone in the darkNever to be foundAs she sits in the corner With no sign of life As the tears flood her faceThoughts run through her mind Broken heart aches and turns As blood flows off her wrist She slowly slips awayFrom this world…..